Jeevan News..
Knit Tech 2007, Tirupur, India Feb 2nd - 5th

Jeevan showcased its new FIT range of products including new HRMS, FMS & Capacity Planning Systems during the fair.
BASIS SOFT EXPO 2007 Mar 28 - Apr 1st
For SMEs, MNCs, Government, Development Organizations and large corporate bodies, SOFTEXPO is the show to find what technologies and products are hot today and preview the exciting things that are coming tomorrow.
FIT range of products gained a great response in the fair and help understand the needs of Bangladesh Garment Companies. The fair turned out to be a great opportunity to tune the product to local needs of Bangladesh customers.

Knit Industry Conclave 2007, Tirupur, India May 5th & 6th

Fully understanding that ERP software plays a key role in bringing together the gaps of the industry, Jeevan Infotech presented the cluster members the effictive integration of various functional departments through FIT-ERP Software.
TEXMED - 2007 Tunisia June 6th - 8th
TEXMED TUNISIA 2007 aims to be a major event in the textile & clothing fi eld in the Euromed area, stimulating synergies and initiating business networks between companies in a spirit of solidarity, mutual complimentarity and shared prosperity.
An exibition for professionals with an international dimension. More than 350 exhibitors from the Euromed area will be present to display acreative and innovative range of products.
Jeevan took this opportunity to launch FIT in Tunisia.

Heim Tex 2007 Karur, India July 21st - 23rd

This event is focused on bringing the Home Textile Industry Cluster companies together to have a global reach.
Knit Show 2007 Tirupur, India August 09th - 12th
Year 2007 will bring Knit Show to its 7th edition of extravaganza in showcasing accessories and machineries of textile industry. This time the show is going to be bigger than before. Knit Show 2007 will be an extension of 2006 but much more loaded and rewarding. It is expected to include more than 700 participants from the various sectors of textile industry to take part in Knit show 2007. More facets of textile industry would be covered, featuring machineries
and accessories which would not be sourced easily from an open market. An exhibitor would advantage a lot by placing his product to show case in Knit Show 2007. He would avail of the marketing benefits of Knit show 2007, and can possibly meet more numbers of potential customers than by going through his office channels. Visitors are also benefited. While it takes immense pain to compare and evaluate actual prices of textile accessories and machineries, Knit Show would lighten up the whole tedious process by bringing more than 700 exhibitors under one roof.